Welcome to

The Art of Astrology was founded in May 2024 by Alexander von Schlieffen and Ricarda Berlage.
We aim to provide a new home for anyone interested in astrology – a place where you can expand your knowledge and grow. Our goal is to simplify complexity and ignite your passion for this most beautiful language.

Jahreshoroskop 2025
2025 beginnt jetzt
Das kommende Jahr markiert einen entscheidenden Wendepunkt auf dem Weg in die Luftepoche. Mit dem Zeichenwechsel aller langsam laufenden Planeten erwarten uns tiefgreifende Veränderungen in der „astrologischen Großwetterlage“. In über drei Stunden beleuchtet Alexander von Schlieffen die Einflüsse auf alle Aszendenten und gibt praktische Empfehlungen.
AUDIO DOWNLOAD 29 € inkl. MwSt.

We make astrology a new experience and convey the inner structure of the zodiac as the basis of this fascinating language in order to offer our students a solid foundation.
For us, understanding means internalizing – in contrast to pure memorization, which often only leads to a string of misunderstood buzzwords.
There are still a few places available for the next training start in March 2025.
Nice to meet you

From Two Who Set Out to Transform Astrology
2024 haben wir The Art of Astrology (kurz The AoA) ins Leben gerufen, um einen frischen Blick auf die astrologischen Zusammenhänge unserer Zeit zu bieten.
Alexander bringt mit 30 Jahren Erfahrung Klarheit in das Zeitgeschehen, während Ricarda Räume für inspirierenden Austausch schafft.

New every 2 Weeks
Since May 2024, we have been bringing astrology directly to your home with our podcast 'ASTROPOD'. Every two weeks, Alexander von Schlieffen explains the current constellations and their meaning - understandable for beginners and exciting for connoisseurs.
We look forward to your feedback and questions! Feel free to write to us at astropod@the-aoa.de or contact us directly on Instagram .
In our online shop you will find selected specials that you can download directly.

Say hi!
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